Camino Encounters Fire Book.

Camino Encounters Fire book is the fourth edition and gives an insight to the 12-year battle which Mike fought against cancer. When he was diagnosed with a brain tumour at the age of 35 and we were told that he had perhaps 7 years to live, our world fell apart. But within 3 years of his first operation, Mike’s tumour reappeared. His passion for life and eagerness to live grew as Mike wanted to see his 2 girls grow up. They were only 2 and 3 years at the time. The transformation which we all endured weighed heavily at times but also gave us wings to fly.
The fire element has the power to transform. There, where fire was present, nothing will be the same again. The features of a fire person are; being grateful, playful, passionate but also impatient. These are just some of the traits of the fire element and all these characteristics I recognise in Mike’s personality. I can see now that he needed all these qualities to be able to cope with his illness and fight for what was of vital importance to him. With all the passion he had, he held on to life for as long as he could.
The battle he fought, I fought with him. Luckily our girls did not know the seriousness of his situation for many years. They thought that going to the hospital for a scan every 3 months was just as normal as a check-up appointment at the dentist. We went on a lot of holidays, taking every opportunity to make trips for as long as Mike was able. But, our lives transformed. There have been many setbacks which were hard to endure. Yet, at all times we valued life and every moment we were given to be able to enjoy it, we did! With the 4 of us.
Mike has been an inspiration to many of us. Forever joking right up to his last day. Luckily, he was able to make the final decision himself, still being of clear mind – euthanasia. This, I feel, I have still not come to terms with. But I know there was no other way. Mike, I will forever admire your strength, courage and passion for life. I still miss you. I miss us.